Wednesday, November 14, 2012
What do we do from here?
Who are we who question the Red bull space jump? What do we do from here? SteveO and me have been pointing to variable descent speeds that don't make sense. But we can't bust out because even Simon has banned us.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Transcript of Red Bull Stratus real-time video indicates some anomalies.
I'll post what we've transcribed so far. I'll discuss anomalies later.
The first time is the Youtube time marker.
0:06 Kittinger Ok here we go item 34- disconnect chest pack imbilical
00:08 128,177 ft on data bar.
00:17 [Felix prepares to jump.]
0:19 Kittinger Okay. Do you read me Felix, on the communications?
0:29 Kittinger Felix, Give me a short count
00:34 [Felix gives thumbs up.]
0:35 Kittinger Okay . Stow imbilical. Disconnect boith oxygen supply hoses
0:45 Kittinger Okay. Are they Disconnected?
0:47 Kittinger Give me a thumbs up if they are disconnected. They are still connected
0:57 Kittinger Felix, Disconnect …. the oxygen hose
1:02 Kittinger Attaboy- Allright, stand up on the exterior step. Keep your head down. Release the helmet tie down strap.
1:12 Kittinger Start the cameras. And our guardian angel will take care of you.
1:12 [As Felix gets out of the capsule, you can see the horizon the earth shake back and forth along with the capsule.]
1:34 [Unintelligible comments by Felix]
1:50 [Felix waves]
1:57 Kittinger (FELIX JUMPS) ,,,,,,,,, (unintelligible) away
2:14 [00:17 into jump]
2:25 Mission Speed factor 46? (maybe speed 546)
2:31 "Speed six hundred miles per hour". [Data bar on screen reads 630 mph 1,014 km/h and 00:00:33 into jump.
2:30 Mission Speed 600 miles per hour
2:31 "Speed six hundred miles per hour". [Data bar on screen reads 630 mph 1,014 km/h and 00:00:33 into jump.
2:33 Mission Speed 650 miles per hour
2:34 "Speed six fifty miles per hour". [Data bar reads 672 mph at 00:00:36]
2.37 Mission Speed 700 miles per hour
2:40 [725 mph]
2:41 Mission Speed 725
02:43 "Speed seven twenty five". [Data bar on screen read 729 mph estimated speed 1,173 km/h at time 00:00:45. Camera switches to white dot on black background].
2.48 Mission Speed 729
03:00 [Camera briefly switches to control room and when it comes back to the white dot, the white dot is spinning end over end while narrator says nothing about that] "Speed seven twenty nice and declerating". [Decelerating? can he know that? Is there some type of accelerometer on Felix that is transmitting this?]
3:06 [Felix is tumbling head of heels.]
3:30 [Narrator]: "Wow, that's very reassuring what we see there... family applauding... you can see there he's in control of descent..... so two minutes.... still can't quite make that out but reassuring to hear his voice and you can see how he's in control there.
3:42 Kittinger Felix , you calling me?
3:50 Kittinger Felix can you hear me?
3:59 Mission Two minute into free fall
4:15 Kittinger Keep talking Felix . keep talking
4:38 Kittinger Yes Felix I hear you .Roger. Go ahead
4:48 Kittinger Go Ahead Felix, I hear you , Go ahead.
5:29 Kittinger Felix you are really stable , You’re falling 3 and a half minutes
05:36 [Felix] "I repeat... my visor is smoking up...[cut off] like hell".
6:06 [Narrator] You can... there's the chute!!!
6:20 Parachute Opens
6:24 [Background-- family cheers and claps]
6:45 [Narrator] "So under parachute now... there's ... he's floating safely down to earth... there's Ave von Gardner... elated... tears of joy from mission control... as Felix now approaches the ground.
6:57 Kittinger Couldn’t have done it any better myself
7:07 Kittinger Winds are out of the north at 5 to 10. Out of the north at five to ten. And you can contact Mike Todd on this frequency . Give Mike Todd a call.
7:25 Kittinger Felix, the winds out of the north at five to ten and give Mike Tod a call on this frequency. Over.
7:52 [Narrator] So we're now at 6,000 feet... so he's got the highest jump... there he is a closer shot from the helicopter... beautiful shot...
7:56 [Left channel-- technician] "This is mission control. Felix's current altitude under chute is <b>six thousand six hundred feet.</b> [bleep]
7:58 Mission Felix current altitude is 6,600 feet
08:14 [Robert Hagar] "There he is. There's a closer shot from the helicopter.
8:15 Kittinger Felix, the winds out of the north five to ten
8:30 Kittinger And the winds out of the east…Sorry I gave you the worng information
08:47 [Narrator] "Approching earth... under parachute you have quite a... quite a bit of control by pulling those... by pulling the cords he can control a fair amount of control on his path to the landing... now you can see that scrub of earth below... <b>just 5,000 feet now</b>... and the altitude out there... I'm not sure of the altitude on the ground...
9:12 Kittinger Winds out of the east , Felix. Winds out of the east
9:28 Mission Felix’s altitude is 5,800 feet
9:34 [RH] <b>just 5,000 feet now</b>... and the altitude out there... I'm not sure of the altitude on the ground..
09:57 [Narrator] "That means to drop a smoke marker from one of the helicopters... Art Thompson telling him the direction of wind from the ridge I was talking about... So he certainly got the highest jump mark he was after... we'll find out about the mach.... he's coming... you can see by the approaching shadow... and... and he's down on the earth, safely back.
9:59 Kittinger Winds out of the east Felix
Kittinger stops talking completely at 9:59 almost one minute before Felix touches ground. In fact from the time the chute opens at 6:20, in fact from the time Felix "jumps", other than a few can you hear me's, and go ahead's, a couple of wind direction comments (wrong direction given) and a "couldn't have done it better myself" Kittinger is pretty much silent?useless. It almost assuredly seems to me that Kittinger is talking to a video - perhaps of a jump that happened in the past.
10:13 Art Thompson Felix the wind is coming from the ridge, The wind is coming from the ridge. NO toward the ridge, sorry. The wind is coming towards the ridge
10:32 Backward flying helicopter appears
10:59 Felix touches the Ground
11:16 [Narrator] "Down on his knees, what a shot. So he has the new record... So in there fast, he has the world's record now for the highest jump by far... more than 24 miles up... all this work all this time.. the is the capsule being lowered it has been cut away from the balloon....
11:19 Camera man comes running intro scene (from direction NOT from helicopter
11:27 Second and third man comes into scene this time from direction of helicopter
12:00 POD enters view (in split screen) under parachute
12:10 [Narrator] "There's family celebrating... out to the east of Roswell...
12:20 Mission Stratos capsule altitude is 104,000 feet (clear picture… from what camera???)
12:34 [Narrator] "Now we have unofficial word there on some of those statistics... four minute and twenty two second drop in free fall so that would not break the Kittinger record there... we'll see did he break mach... those were speeds up in the seven hundred mile an hour mark... but that looks like it probably broke mark but we'll see... and he broke the reocrd as we said for the highest manned balloon flight.
13:06 Mission Capsule at 88,000 feet and descending
13:40 Mission Capsule altitude 80,000 feet and descending
14:00 Split screen shows view from the pod – (needs to be compared with view of earth from just prior to jump… very little movement due to wind????) (also much less clear considering it is one third closer )
At 14:01 we can see all the recovery vehicles. Maybe spot the one where the first camera man came from… even before the helicopter landed….. Interesting)
14:12 [Narrator] So after some tense moments... there you have it... Austrian pilot... has done it.. made Red Bull Stratos mission to the edge of space... Along the way there were setbacks but today Baumgartner and... here at mission control... so we're still awaiting... highest freefall ever... as well as highest ever manned balloon flight... help improve the .... bailouts from spacecrafts.... we encourage you.... this is Robert Hagar saying so long from Roswell New Mexico.
14:25 Missiion Capsule altitude descending through 70,000 feet
15:15 Mission Capsule altitude is descending through 60,000 feet
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Foto Forensic analysis proves are faking the photos.
By Rick Potvin
I'm not an expert at analysing digital photos but Fred Benario pointed me to an online free digital photo analysis site called Foto Forensics that is easy to use and understand. I didn't read the entire training manual but I browsed it and understood that to spot fake photos, you merely look for different digital densities seen in the analysis on the left as bright vs. dark areas.
The photo above was posted to the site. [+] Red Bull is posting this and promoting it as real. I don't think it looks real from the actual picture and as little as I know about Foto Forensics, I think we're seeing a major problem here.
There are plenty of companies that charge lots of money to do photo forensics in their legal work. Fred Benario is ostensibly a lawyer who posts frequently to Simon Shack's site,, which exposed 9/11 as a non-event photo and video hoax. I don't see how Red Bull is going to be able to go much further in their hoax without a majar world wide expose. I'd like to contact Weekly World News or National Enquirer about this once I have it nailed down and air tight.
For the picture that was analysed, enter my discussion on this.
[Discussion thread on Foto Forensic analysis of Red Bull photos]
I'm not an expert at analysing digital photos but Fred Benario pointed me to an online free digital photo analysis site called Foto Forensics that is easy to use and understand. I didn't read the entire training manual but I browsed it and understood that to spot fake photos, you merely look for different digital densities seen in the analysis on the left as bright vs. dark areas.
The photo above was posted to the site. [+] Red Bull is posting this and promoting it as real. I don't think it looks real from the actual picture and as little as I know about Foto Forensics, I think we're seeing a major problem here.
There are plenty of companies that charge lots of money to do photo forensics in their legal work. Fred Benario is ostensibly a lawyer who posts frequently to Simon Shack's site,, which exposed 9/11 as a non-event photo and video hoax. I don't see how Red Bull is going to be able to go much further in their hoax without a majar world wide expose. I'd like to contact Weekly World News or National Enquirer about this once I have it nailed down and air tight.
For the picture that was analysed, enter my discussion on this.
[Discussion thread on Foto Forensic analysis of Red Bull photos]
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Greenscreen is critical in faking news events.

Greenscreen technology is used in every evenings weather report. When we watch the weatherman deliver the news, he or she stands in front of a map of the country. This is an illusion. They're actually in front of a green screen on which the map is projected for the TV viewer.
Similarly, the greenscreen was used in the Apollo hoaxes and many other mainstream mediated fake news. Felix's jump was done with a greeenscreen. The photo above has been posted to several blogs that do not go further into greenscreen technology but they ought to. No one website is doing an organized takedown and penetration of this hoax beyond doing it as a service for their own little group, like Simon's at Clues. They're not mounting a campaign of emailing various corporations and institutions, writers and thinkers, asking for considered feedback like I am. My view is that this hoax cannot be allowed to stand. If it is allowed to stand, it's an admission of our group, cultural, and societal stupidity and acceptance of a cognitive prison of illusion. Am I one of the few who doesn't want to be locked in such a cognitive prison. What's wrong with everyone? Do not allow Red Bull to get away with this!
I'm not an expert in greenscreens but I think that with the net, we have an upper hand. We can investigate greenscreens and even contact greenscreen producers asking for their own analysis of Felix's fraud.
Nick Denton of Gizmodo promotes Felix helmet cam as reality.
by Rick Potvin
Now, Nick Denton of Gizmodo is on record as a promoter of a hoax by posting a helmet cam release of Felix's fake space-dive on his site. Too bad he's going to go on my list of laughing stock people over this nonsense. Promoting lies and tricks as real is unethical and should be forever exposed.
Now, Nick Denton of Gizmodo is on record as a promoter of a hoax by posting a helmet cam release of Felix's fake space-dive on his site. Too bad he's going to go on my list of laughing stock people over this nonsense. Promoting lies and tricks as real is unethical and should be forever exposed.
George Musser of SciAm claims to have no brilliant insight on Felix.
By Rick Potvin
I wrote George Musser of SciAm about the Felix Fakery / Space Jump Scam / Red Bull Bull Story -- and he wrote me back saying he has no brilliant insight on it.
I responded claiming that I think he does.
He wrote an article in SciAm showing how a balloon can rise into outer space itself. It's quite an astonishing article. And for George to claim he has no brilliant insight into the Red Bull Bull after THAT article, is itself-- well-- Bull.
I wrote George Musser of SciAm about the Felix Fakery / Space Jump Scam / Red Bull Bull Story -- and he wrote me back saying he has no brilliant insight on it.
I responded claiming that I think he does.
He wrote an article in SciAm showing how a balloon can rise into outer space itself. It's quite an astonishing article. And for George to claim he has no brilliant insight into the Red Bull Bull after THAT article, is itself-- well-- Bull.
The numbers associated with braking (decelerating) Felix with air don't add up.
By Rick Potvin Well, I guess this blog is turning into a bit of a real life log or diary of my own lack of ability to understand the physics involved in the Red Bull event. Even though I was banned from Simon Shack's forum for a month, I continue here.
It seems to me to be such an easy problem to solve. Yet corporate sponsors and mainstream media and most other continue to act as though this thing occurred. How can this be? Are they all connected to the Freemasons and ordered to lie or die? What's really going on here? Heiwa on Clues makes it seemingly clear enough that there isn't enough stopping power in air to slow Felix down from the speed of sound at 750 mph to where he could pull his chute. And he pointed out the air at 120,000 feet can't even support any type of balloon, let alone a 3000 lb atmospheric balloon with a 3000 lb. capsule and man in it!
I think I'm going to now have to walk away from my own blog because I have to mind my business affairs and other issues. I guess that's partly how "they" get away with hoaxes like this... most of us don't have the time or expertise to decode it. I've written a few balloon crane companies asking help but nobody has responded. Heiwa himself advised me that it's useless to ask corporations for help. They won't respond, he verifies after trying himself.
Clearly, if this is unresolved, then we're in a Truman Show prison camp of the mind. It's best I mind my personal small affairs of daily survival for my own health. Once I thought the net would help us resolve these types of issues quickly but the younger people are busy twittering 60 letters at a time on nonsense issues related to pop culture or sports. We're all descending into a mindless fake reality, unable to think our way out. I can feel myself going down somewhat like Jack Nicholson in Cuckoo's Nest or HAL as Dave unplugs him in Odyssey.
Even this high school physics level document seems to confuse me now. [+] Retired people who would be experts on this after their careers prefer retirement communities and are not hip to net forums. Local Masonic groups' members appear around me from time to time but are of no help. Radio shows like Marcus Allen's are okay but far too inefficient for me to spend time with. I need an index and a quick concise proof with the most significant features of a situation proven correct or not. Even Marcus provides little in the way of a final proof on Red Bull.
The Fotoforensics site looks promising but I don't know what to look for. [+] I'm coming to the end of my current round of ability to investigate further due to other pressing concerns. This afternoon, I realized that the Red Bull hoax is a subset of the larger problem I looked at earlier the re-entry of Curiosity (fake) in to Mars' atmosphere. And that was a subset of the Truman Show fake reality of space capsules, in general, said to come back into the Earth's atmosphere at thousands of miles an hour, to slow down by heat and friction, finally to land softly with crew intact after a parachute release. Now... I cannot believe any of it, starting with John Glenn. He could not have slowed down from his speed coming back in the way they say.
I'll be back here when I feel my cognitive strength coming back... but at the moment, I feel I'm losing it. If one of the commercial balloon lifter engineers calls me back or emails me, that would help. Rick Potvin 602 371 0094
By Rick Potvin
I emailed SkyLifter in Australia and asked them for their opinion on the truth or falseness of the Red Bull event.
I emailed SkyLifter in Australia and asked them for their opinion on the truth or falseness of the Red Bull event.
Why isn't the debunking of the Red Bull Stratos hoax a slam dunk?
By Rick Potvin
As this event fades into the recent history of the nation and the world and fewer people think about it, I wonder why the absolute, positive and undeniable proof that this was a hoax has not been a slam dunk. I followed Simon Shack's group on this in September Clues and the first thread was shut down-- the second thread that I started attracted new contributions from Clues people like Heiwa, even FBenario again, and finally Simon himself-- as if they were condoning and supportive of my attempt to continue. Then I was banned for a month for denying, essentially, accusations that Frederick Benario, ostensibly a lawyer, was making of my own motives. Actually I wasn't banned at first, but then SteveO shared my view and since he was banned, Simon banned me in the same sweep.
A few strangers emailed me, although Markus Allen has come to be more familiar to me since he's doing a radio show. He and the other few emailers who witnessed the trouble I encountered shared their own thoughts about the previous trouble new people have encountered on Clues with Simon and his crew. Previously, I had contributed in Simon's Curiosity thread since that lander is a hoax as well. I got to the point where Simon indicated that a "slam dunk" proof wasn't feasible. I thought it was since his own man, Heiwa, showed that deceleration wassn't possible. Simon indicated it was "unwise" to prove it and distribute the discovery.
This was disheartening but then when SteveO showed interest in a slam-dunk proof that we could distribute regarding Red Bull, I got fired up again and made this blog and linked forum. Soon, Markus Allen emailed me and explained Simon as a sort of gatekeeper-- the type that gives us nuggets of truth then proceeds to mislead again. That's interesting but still hard for me to believe since Clues exposed the video fakery of 9/11 so well, and also of Curiosity. The discoveries they make, however, don't ever get to the point of being conclusive and deliverable... except almost.
Markus says they used the Delphi technique on me when they booted me and SteveO out. I looked up Delphi and sure enough, it's a complicated way to make people feel that they're getting somewhere when they're really not. I don't feel like a victim of Delphi but maybe I am. I still sense that poving the Red Bull hoax is a slam-dunk-- as well as Curiosity-- and to remind myself and readers of that, I posted that picture above and told my little story. Markus Allen's way of telling stories as, he says, NOT part of the controlled opposition is inspiring in that regard.
Weather balloon lifts car to near orbit!
Digital photography can create the effect of just about anything today. Here we see a car being hoisted into the high atmosphere with a weather balloon. There is scant or even no cooberating evidence that Felix ascended into the stratosphere since Red Bull controlled the documenation of the event so tightly that no third parties have been able to present any of their own raw photographic or other data about the event. We're supposed to trust Red Bull and their output and then rely on spurious and weak claims by other commercial entities, news media and others. The Red Bull event as given is as trustworthy as the photo of this car. [Discussion, updates and notes]
Photos - ...are all manipulated.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Fred Benario and Hoi Polloi seem touchy... over-reactive... attributing false motives to me or SteveO. Why?
Here is what Benario wrote at Clues that I found interesting...
Since I may be the only member of this forum who uses his real last name as his forum username, any of you are welcome to search for me in any relevant public database. Land-line phone numbers, the Georgia Bar Association, Zillow real estate, have at it. By the way, the number of Benarios world-wide is only a couple of dozen, and I'm the only Frederick.
Frederick M. Benario
Adair St.
Decatur, GA
Emory University Class of 83
Univ. of Georgia Law School Class of 86
EDIT: It also seems a little odd to me that anyone who claims publicly to be a Christian trying to save us all from Zionists would choose to ignore Jesus' command - not 'suggestion' - to turn the other cheek, just so he could get in a few personal shots at me.
Since I may be the only member of this forum who uses his real last name as his forum username, any of you are welcome to search for me in any relevant public database. Land-line phone numbers, the Georgia Bar Association, Zillow real estate, have at it. By the way, the number of Benarios world-wide is only a couple of dozen, and I'm the only Frederick.
Frederick M. Benario
Adair St.
Decatur, GA
Emory University Class of 83
Univ. of Georgia Law School Class of 86
EDIT: It also seems a little odd to me that anyone who claims publicly to be a Christian trying to save us all from Zionists would choose to ignore Jesus' command - not 'suggestion' - to turn the other cheek, just so he could get in a few personal shots at me.
Misson Statement
Mission Statement :
The purpose of this research is to try to get at the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. How do we know that something shown on every television set across the nation is really depicting a true event and not some special effects created in a studio, as they do in Hollywood movies being broadcast on the public airwaves to our computers and television screen?. We are using the red Bull Stratos “jump from the edge of space” event as simply one example of the major main stream media broadcasting of a “live” event. Our intention is to continue afterwards by exploring other media “events.
Many among us automatically accept the fact that this, and other major events really happened because after all, we all saw it live on our televisions and computers, did we not?
Our objective here is to arrive at the irrefutable truth. Some people believe the jump was faked because they believe that the act of raising a 3000 lb. pod with a helium balloon to 24 miles of altitude is simply NOT possible. If it can be proven to be IMPOSSIBLE then by definition the event was “faked”. Yes it may have have had a touch of reality, perhaps the jump was from 10 miles altitude, and the video was “doctored “ to make it look like it was much higher than that, but by definition something that is physically impossible can NOT be true even if it looks authentic on the TV screen.
Many people will believe the jump was real because they don`t see any motive for a large international company like Red Bull to attempt such a hoax. Surely their reputation would be severely damaged of discovered that the jump was simply a publicity stunt, and a phony one at that. That may be true, but one e can also say , (assuming the jump was `real` that they took a significant chance of a huge hit to their reputation if something went wrong. Can you imagine the fallout had Felix not survived the jump? Most assuredly there would be a whole lot of people accusing Red Bull of being a greedy despicable corporation that put their desire for publicity ahead of the safety of a human being.
In reality the motives or lack of one, is irrelevant, An event cannot be proven true or disproved because of, or due to lack of, a motive or any other circumstance. Even if it made perfectly good sense for red Bull to attempt this stunt, that alone does not prove it was genuine. The corollary also holds true; even if it made no sense at all, even if no company , or human being would be stupid enough to attempt this stunt that doesn`t prove that it did not occur. What we are looking for here is proof. Circumstantial evidence can be looked at and can help to shape opinions but cannot be accepted as absolute proof. We are looking for an absolute and irrefutable proof that this event was either a genuine event, or conversely that it was a hoax.
We welcome everyone who would like to contribute to this mission. Anyone who has any evidence whether scientific, or visual that might be helpful is not only welcome but encouraged to contribute to this research undertaking. Everyone is welcome to help in the research and corroboration of submitted evidence. Please note however that nothing will be “assumed” to be true without scrutiny and corroboration. Every photo and every video will be checked for authenticity, and images that have been modified and /or been altered will be exposed. Every eye-witness testimony will require corroboration; every scientific “fact” will be put to test. This is not to offend anyone, but it is our belief that this is the only way to ascertain that this was a real event and not a Hollywood like special effect production.
In the interest of transparency, we, the moderators, will hereby admit that we believe that the event was faked. That will not stop us however from admitting that we were wrong if it can be proven. At the end of this project we will either have definitive proof of a hoax, absolute confirmation of reality, or possible no definitive proof either pro, or con. We can only promise that we will make every effort to hunt for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and we pledge to follow the path wherever it takes us.
Let the fun begin.
Rick Potvin
Steven O.Neil
The purpose of this research is to try to get at the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. How do we know that something shown on every television set across the nation is really depicting a true event and not some special effects created in a studio, as they do in Hollywood movies being broadcast on the public airwaves to our computers and television screen?. We are using the red Bull Stratos “jump from the edge of space” event as simply one example of the major main stream media broadcasting of a “live” event. Our intention is to continue afterwards by exploring other media “events.
Many among us automatically accept the fact that this, and other major events really happened because after all, we all saw it live on our televisions and computers, did we not?
Our objective here is to arrive at the irrefutable truth. Some people believe the jump was faked because they believe that the act of raising a 3000 lb. pod with a helium balloon to 24 miles of altitude is simply NOT possible. If it can be proven to be IMPOSSIBLE then by definition the event was “faked”. Yes it may have have had a touch of reality, perhaps the jump was from 10 miles altitude, and the video was “doctored “ to make it look like it was much higher than that, but by definition something that is physically impossible can NOT be true even if it looks authentic on the TV screen.
Many people will believe the jump was real because they don`t see any motive for a large international company like Red Bull to attempt such a hoax. Surely their reputation would be severely damaged of discovered that the jump was simply a publicity stunt, and a phony one at that. That may be true, but one e can also say , (assuming the jump was `real` that they took a significant chance of a huge hit to their reputation if something went wrong. Can you imagine the fallout had Felix not survived the jump? Most assuredly there would be a whole lot of people accusing Red Bull of being a greedy despicable corporation that put their desire for publicity ahead of the safety of a human being.
In reality the motives or lack of one, is irrelevant, An event cannot be proven true or disproved because of, or due to lack of, a motive or any other circumstance. Even if it made perfectly good sense for red Bull to attempt this stunt, that alone does not prove it was genuine. The corollary also holds true; even if it made no sense at all, even if no company , or human being would be stupid enough to attempt this stunt that doesn`t prove that it did not occur. What we are looking for here is proof. Circumstantial evidence can be looked at and can help to shape opinions but cannot be accepted as absolute proof. We are looking for an absolute and irrefutable proof that this event was either a genuine event, or conversely that it was a hoax.
We welcome everyone who would like to contribute to this mission. Anyone who has any evidence whether scientific, or visual that might be helpful is not only welcome but encouraged to contribute to this research undertaking. Everyone is welcome to help in the research and corroboration of submitted evidence. Please note however that nothing will be “assumed” to be true without scrutiny and corroboration. Every photo and every video will be checked for authenticity, and images that have been modified and /or been altered will be exposed. Every eye-witness testimony will require corroboration; every scientific “fact” will be put to test. This is not to offend anyone, but it is our belief that this is the only way to ascertain that this was a real event and not a Hollywood like special effect production.
In the interest of transparency, we, the moderators, will hereby admit that we believe that the event was faked. That will not stop us however from admitting that we were wrong if it can be proven. At the end of this project we will either have definitive proof of a hoax, absolute confirmation of reality, or possible no definitive proof either pro, or con. We can only promise that we will make every effort to hunt for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and we pledge to follow the path wherever it takes us.
Let the fun begin.
Rick Potvin
Steven O.Neil
Mission Statement
Markus Allen exposes Simon Shack?!
By Rick Potvin
I've been approached by Markus Allen via email and he's given me permission to repost his emails to me in my forum linked at DISCUSS below. Markus has done 1000 hours of online net based radio exposing hoaxes and has some experience with Simon Shack and the constraints and problems in Simon's forum.
The point of reference I'm using to validate Markus is his commonality with me in problems with FBenario who he suspects is a Simon-alter-ego. This is quite possible but I would be disappointed if this were true. Still, even if it's not true, Markus's characterization of FBenario is consistent with my own. Markus is also cynical, reflecting my own slight confusion, over Simon's posting of a shadow analysis of the Red Bull launch. It's not really the most critical point of the hoax. Still, Markus and me are both impressed with Simon's 9/11 no-plane-all-fake-video hoax. More on my interaction with Markus here. [Discuss]
I've been approached by Markus Allen via email and he's given me permission to repost his emails to me in my forum linked at DISCUSS below. Markus has done 1000 hours of online net based radio exposing hoaxes and has some experience with Simon Shack and the constraints and problems in Simon's forum.
The point of reference I'm using to validate Markus is his commonality with me in problems with FBenario who he suspects is a Simon-alter-ego. This is quite possible but I would be disappointed if this were true. Still, even if it's not true, Markus's characterization of FBenario is consistent with my own. Markus is also cynical, reflecting my own slight confusion, over Simon's posting of a shadow analysis of the Red Bull launch. It's not really the most critical point of the hoax. Still, Markus and me are both impressed with Simon's 9/11 no-plane-all-fake-video hoax. More on my interaction with Markus here. [Discuss]
Simon vindicates my effort to continue Red Bull hoax investigation by continuing my new thread.
by Rick Potvin
Simon Shack pointed me out of the Judy Wood ray-gun solution for 9/11 by proving that 9/11 images were all fake. His movie and forum,, are cutting edge 9/11 work that is way out ahead of anything that anyone else has done including Architects and Engineers. This means that everyone else is still involved in playing a role in deception.
The latest media hoax involving Red Bull Stratos and the parachute jump from space was being explored at Simon's forum but then was shut down by Simon himself. I started a new thread in his forum about it, arguing for its continuance. A guy name FBenario kept launching personal attacks on me as a result. Finally, Simon and Heiwa, two of my favorite posters there, added more good photo analysis to my new thread. For me, this is a vindication of my effort to continue on. Simon let FBenario's attacks on me alone but I would say that between Simon, Heiwa, SteveO and me, we've got a continuing effort now. In the meantime, I started my own blog, here, and a related forum linked at the top.
[Discuss] (Enter the discussion thread to see the link to Simon's forum where he helps continue this work)
Simon Shack pointed me out of the Judy Wood ray-gun solution for 9/11 by proving that 9/11 images were all fake. His movie and forum,, are cutting edge 9/11 work that is way out ahead of anything that anyone else has done including Architects and Engineers. This means that everyone else is still involved in playing a role in deception.
The latest media hoax involving Red Bull Stratos and the parachute jump from space was being explored at Simon's forum but then was shut down by Simon himself. I started a new thread in his forum about it, arguing for its continuance. A guy name FBenario kept launching personal attacks on me as a result. Finally, Simon and Heiwa, two of my favorite posters there, added more good photo analysis to my new thread. For me, this is a vindication of my effort to continue on. Simon let FBenario's attacks on me alone but I would say that between Simon, Heiwa, SteveO and me, we've got a continuing effort now. In the meantime, I started my own blog, here, and a related forum linked at the top.
[Discuss] (Enter the discussion thread to see the link to Simon's forum where he helps continue this work)
Suggested Reading Sequence
Modern digital magic is being used to imprison us
The most critical elements involved in exposing this trick
The Mission of this blog: prove the Red Bull Stratos Event either true or false.
Photography replaces Cartoons (still cartoons)
Photos - ...are all manipulated.
Foto Forensic analysis proves are faking the photos.
RED BULL MEDIA COMPANY output is unapologetic about being THE media behind the event.
Greenscreen is critical in faking news events.
The Damned Metric System
CONVERSIONS - British vs. metric units are a big headache in looking at this hoax.
Earth's Atmosphere
Beginning at the beginning with a primer on Earth's atmospheric shell.
Braking - ...from high altitute-- numbers don't make sense.
Capsule weight - ...too heavy for the balloon.
TEMPERATURE at 120,000 can be 80F below!! How did Felix keep warm?
ASCENT speed doubled at 115,000 feet?
Online Personalities Looking at This Situation
Simon Shack - ...contributes to my new thread about Red Bull despite locking previous Red Bull thread.
Fred Benario - ...and Hoi Polloi seem touchy and over-reactive.
Markus Allen - ...exposes Simon Shack
Clues - ....politics and personalities get me banned.
SCHPANKME - who let the dog FBenario out?
HEIWA'S Balloon take-off analysis shows capsule would crash on take-off.
Nick Denton of Gizmodo promotes Felix helmet cam as reality.
Corporations, Mainstream media, Institutions and Universities who appear to be in collusion with the Red Bull hoax.
MIT Icarus - ...students sent camera to 120K feet
Skylifter - ...opinion on the truth about Red Bull stunt.
What do we do next?
I'm not sure yet.
Modern digital magic is being used to imprison us
The most critical elements involved in exposing this trick
The Mission of this blog: prove the Red Bull Stratos Event either true or false.
Photography replaces Cartoons (still cartoons)
Photos - ...are all manipulated.
Foto Forensic analysis proves are faking the photos.
RED BULL MEDIA COMPANY output is unapologetic about being THE media behind the event.
Greenscreen is critical in faking news events.
The Damned Metric System
CONVERSIONS - British vs. metric units are a big headache in looking at this hoax.
Earth's Atmosphere
Beginning at the beginning with a primer on Earth's atmospheric shell.
Braking - ...from high altitute-- numbers don't make sense.
Capsule weight - ...too heavy for the balloon.
TEMPERATURE at 120,000 can be 80F below!! How did Felix keep warm?
ASCENT speed doubled at 115,000 feet?
Online Personalities Looking at This Situation
Simon Shack - ...contributes to my new thread about Red Bull despite locking previous Red Bull thread.
Fred Benario - ...and Hoi Polloi seem touchy and over-reactive.
Markus Allen - ...exposes Simon Shack
Clues - ....politics and personalities get me banned.
SCHPANKME - who let the dog FBenario out?
HEIWA'S Balloon take-off analysis shows capsule would crash on take-off.
Nick Denton of Gizmodo promotes Felix helmet cam as reality.
Corporations, Mainstream media, Institutions and Universities who appear to be in collusion with the Red Bull hoax.
MIT Icarus - ...students sent camera to 120K feet
Skylifter - ...opinion on the truth about Red Bull stunt.
What do we do next?
I'm not sure yet.
Suggested Reading Sequence
Reader's Quiz: What do you think the weight of the capsule and balloon are in the photo below?
By Rick
What do you think the weight of the capsule is? How about the balloon? Does this image look real to you? Given the fact that the original video of the launch didn't include the amount of cloud cover you see here, I suspect this is a fake image. But more importantly, I know what the weights of those devices are and it seems to me that the weather balloon was never made to carry a payload with the weight of the manned capsule. When you're dealing with balloons, you cannot simply add payload like this. There are entire engineering efforts being made to have balloons lift payloads and weather balloons are not part of the engineering design efforts. This is a cartoon image made with computer CGI. It's as much a cartoon as Popeye and Bugs Bunny. It's being promoted by mainstream media and others who should know better as real. Discuss]
What do you think the weight of the capsule is? How about the balloon? Does this image look real to you? Given the fact that the original video of the launch didn't include the amount of cloud cover you see here, I suspect this is a fake image. But more importantly, I know what the weights of those devices are and it seems to me that the weather balloon was never made to carry a payload with the weight of the manned capsule. When you're dealing with balloons, you cannot simply add payload like this. There are entire engineering efforts being made to have balloons lift payloads and weather balloons are not part of the engineering design efforts. This is a cartoon image made with computer CGI. It's as much a cartoon as Popeye and Bugs Bunny. It's being promoted by mainstream media and others who should know better as real. Discuss]
Beginning at the beginning with a primer on Earth's atmospheric shell.
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As as student of the Great Red Bull SpaceDive Hoax,
you would do well to study these layers
now because we'll need them in upcoming lessons.
By Rick Potvin
The internet provides such wealth of easy-to-access information in 2012 that it's simply super-astonishing. Within seconds, I was able to find this atmospheric chart and upload it to this blog.
To decipher the Red Bull hoax, you would do well to familiarize yourself with the terms used for the various gradients in the atmosphere of Earth. This is an extremely elementary chart but it's useful because it is what "they" want us to believe. So fine. We'll start with what "they" want, remembering that it's meant to be misleading.
I find that graphic above entertaining because as you can see, the balloon is in the lower part of the Troposphere. If you'll recall from the mainstream news and other institutional promotion articles for this hoax, Felix rode his balloon to the beginning of the Stratosphere... the so called "edge of space" and the reason they labelled their event Red Bull STRATOS... for Stratosphere. You can see the Shuttle up there too, which is funny because after reading Simon Shack's forum for several months, we Shack students understand that the shuttle may in fact be a super-duper big-lie hoax as well... which I fully realize is shocking and unbelievable but then the world is turning out to be stranger than what we've been led to believe. Note the satellite. They also do not exist, according to some Shack as well as students. Anyhoo... I thought that you, the unknown reader, and Steve-- a Shack-student who saw things the same way as I did on the KoolAid Version of Red Bull-- would find that particular graphic to be a fun way to start.
Modern digital magic is being used to imprison us in a jailcell of ignorance and apathy.
We're being fed magic tricks as reality. Worse, there are secret societies and networks of corporations and mainstream media that are colluding to pretend that the magic tricks are reality. And worse than that, younger people who have access to more information than ever before are not using their powers of reason to decipher the tricks.
The Red Bull jump from the "edge of space" never happened. There are several key indicators. The categories of indicators are visual, physics related and anomalous human factors. We'll explore these in detail in coming days and weeks.
The Red Bull jump from the "edge of space" never happened. There are several key indicators. The categories of indicators are visual, physics related and anomalous human factors. We'll explore these in detail in coming days and weeks.
The most critical elements involved in exposing this trick.
The key element of exposing how this trick will be looking at the fake CGI digital photos and video. This is the key element that Simon Shack used to expose the 9/11 trick.
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