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Monday, October 22, 2012

Simon vindicates my effort to continue Red Bull hoax investigation by continuing my new thread.

by Rick Potvin

Simon Shack pointed me out of the Judy Wood ray-gun solution for 9/11 by proving that 9/11 images were all fake. His movie and forum, SeptemberClues.info, are cutting edge 9/11 work that is way out ahead of anything that anyone else has done including Architects and Engineers. This means that everyone else is still involved in playing a role in deception.

The latest media hoax involving Red Bull Stratos and the parachute jump from space was being explored at Simon's forum but then was shut down by Simon himself. I started a new thread in his forum about it, arguing for its continuance. A guy name FBenario kept launching personal attacks on me as a result. Finally, Simon and Heiwa, two of my favorite posters there, added more good photo analysis to my new thread.   For me, this is a vindication of my effort to continue on. Simon let FBenario's attacks on me alone but I would say that between Simon, Heiwa, SteveO and me, we've got a continuing effort now. In the meantime, I started my own blog, here, and a related forum linked at the top.

[Discuss] (Enter the discussion thread to see the link to Simon's forum where he helps continue this work)