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As as student of the Great Red Bull SpaceDive Hoax,
you would do well to study these layers
now because we'll need them in upcoming lessons.
By Rick Potvin
The internet provides such wealth of easy-to-access information in 2012 that it's simply super-astonishing. Within seconds, I was able to find this atmospheric chart and upload it to this blog.
To decipher the Red Bull hoax, you would do well to familiarize yourself with the terms used for the various gradients in the atmosphere of Earth. This is an extremely elementary chart but it's useful because it is what "they" want us to believe. So fine. We'll start with what "they" want, remembering that it's meant to be misleading.
I find that graphic above entertaining because as you can see, the balloon is in the lower part of the Troposphere. If you'll recall from the mainstream news and other institutional promotion articles for this hoax, Felix rode his balloon to the beginning of the Stratosphere... the so called "edge of space" and the reason they labelled their event Red Bull STRATOS... for Stratosphere. You can see the Shuttle up there too, which is funny because after reading Simon Shack's forum for several months, we Shack students understand that the shuttle may in fact be a super-duper big-lie hoax as well... which I fully realize is shocking and unbelievable but then the world is turning out to be stranger than what we've been led to believe. Note the satellite. They also do not exist, according to some Shack as well as Big-Lie.com students. Anyhoo... I thought that you, the unknown reader, and Steve-- a Shack-student who saw things the same way as I did on the KoolAid Version of Red Bull-- would find that particular graphic to be a fun way to start.