Greenscreen technology is used in every evenings weather report. When we watch the weatherman deliver the news, he or she stands in front of a map of the country. This is an illusion. They're actually in front of a green screen on which the map is projected for the TV viewer.
Similarly, the greenscreen was used in the Apollo hoaxes and many other mainstream mediated fake news. Felix's jump was done with a greeenscreen. The photo above has been posted to several blogs that do not go further into greenscreen technology but they ought to. No one website is doing an organized takedown and penetration of this hoax beyond doing it as a service for their own little group, like Simon's at Clues. They're not mounting a campaign of emailing various corporations and institutions, writers and thinkers, asking for considered feedback like I am. My view is that this hoax cannot be allowed to stand. If it is allowed to stand, it's an admission of our group, cultural, and societal stupidity and acceptance of a cognitive prison of illusion. Am I one of the few who doesn't want to be locked in such a cognitive prison. What's wrong with everyone? Do not allow Red Bull to get away with this!
I'm not an expert in greenscreens but I think that with the net, we have an upper hand. We can investigate greenscreens and even contact greenscreen producers asking for their own analysis of Felix's fraud.
Hey thanks for the describe about it i like it a lot, you gave us a best explanation via this post.